Is There A Profile To Be A Flight Attendant?

Does everyone need a profile to be a flight attendant? Can you want to be a flight attendant but not good at language (อยากเป็นแอร์ แต่ไม่เก่งภาษา which is the term in Thai) The answer is yes. Many interested in the career tend to be dissatisfied mainly with the question of height and weight. However, it is essential to note that this is not an aesthetic requirement but a security requirement for the commissioner himself.

The measures required work, mainly so that the flight attendant can safely transit the aircraft and reach hand luggage compartments in comfort. Some companies even limit candidates with more than 5 degrees in their glasses.

Language, Posture, And Other Characteristics

In the case of an international flight attendant, language and an appropriate posture are also essential. In some cases, due to internal and specific issues of a particular company, one or another character can become essential and decisive.

There are situations where, for example, women with children or candidates with a strong sense of leadership end up failing the qualifiers. Recalling that these are not requirements, but situations where the company is inclined to such preferences to harmonize a certain number of employees.

What Rules Should Flight Attendants Follow?

The impeccable uniform, the smile on the face, the flight attendant height (แอร์โฮสเตส ส่วนสูง which is the term in Thai) and thinking that they travel from place to place without stopping sharpens our imagination and curiosity about this profession. What rules these professionals need to follow and the route they took to get to where they are is something that many want to know.

Curiosities about flight attendant rules

  • The tattoos can never be visible;
  • Flight attendants must keep an eye on the weight;
  • Perceptible hairs on the nostrils, ears, and armpits must be cut or removed – warns the airline American Airlines to flight attendants;
  • Teeth should appear clean, natural. The frontal dentition must be complete. Dental retainers should have a soft or transparent shade. Devices must be transparent or silver – they are also alerting from American Airlines;
  • The nails are also a concern, and some airlines arrive to stipulate the size: must not be longer than half an inch (1.27 cm) measured starting from the fingertips, and there must be a balance between length and shape;
  • The same happens about the size of the beard, even limiting the size of the mustache;
  • Just like tattoos, piercing or not thinking;
  • Underwear should be white when the uniform shirt is white.
  • The flight attendant rules do not stop there: the hair length for some airlines is also determined. In addition, hair with different colors or cuts that are not formal is not allowed.

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