When online rummy came on the scene, the game of rummy witnessed a major milestone in its history. The introduction of online rummy changed the way people used to look at the rummy game. Now, playing rummy was not just an event in parties, social gatherings, or on festivals. Players could enjoy the game anywhere at any time with their smartphone without any restrictions. So, the journey of rummy from a social card game to one of the most played online card games has been an eventful one. As the popularity of online rummy portals grows every day, one may wonder what the future of rummy would be like! Let us take a look at some of the expectations regarding the future of one of India’s most loved card games.
The Rules Stay the Same
The rules of the game would still be simple in the future, although with the presence of multiple variants. Players would not have any difficulties in understanding the rummy game, ten years from now. As a result, the game of rummy would retain its unique appeal to players looking for a productive way to pass their leisure time.
Rise in Number of Online Rummy Portals
Presently, there are many online rummy portals and mobile apps that help you play rummy with minimal investments. These online portals are simplifying the gaming experience of players by introducing new functionalities for users. Ten years from now, we can expect online rummy portals to increase in number. Entrepreneurs looking for opportunities to capitalize on the increasing popularity of online rummy will most likely contribute more portals to the online rummy landscape.
Widespread Recognition of the Game
The recognition for the rummy game will increase substantially in ten years from now. How? The Supreme Court of India has stated that rummy is a skill-based game, thereby clearing doubts regarding its legality. Now, rummy is rising from the murky shadows of confusion and doubt to receive mainstream recognition. In the course of time, it will become popular among a larger audience.
Increased Focus on Privacy and Security
The emphasis on privacy and security would increase considerably in the future of rummy. Even in the present times, players are concerned regarding the safety of financial transactions on online rummy portals. The technologies implemented for safeguarding personal and financial information of players such as SSL would improve considerably in the future. In addition, online rummy portals would also develop strict policies regarding their security guidelines carefully.
Rummy Will Still Help in Skill Development
The rummy game would maintain its popularity as a proven tool for skill development, even in the future. The requirement of skills in a game of rummy not only makes it interesting but also engaging for players. Therefore, players would have to exercise their brains for finding the perfect move in a game of rummy10 years from now.
Now, you can clearly see the future of the rummy industry ten years from now. Rummy would still enjoy the popularity it enjoys today, if not more, in the coming years. Some things about rummy that make it interesting would not change in the future, thereby indicating a promising future for the game. For example, the rules won’t change, and its contribution to skill development won’t change. So, get ready to play a game of the future right now!